Thursday, November 13, 2008

So... this is kinda sappy. :)

My blog title seems as though I stole it from a song, and I did. However it is definitely not a song that most people know. This is the title of the song that David wrote for me the night we started dating. Here's the story:
Fall 2005 - I had been hanging out with David almost every night in his apartment. There was this very intense tension between us, because we both liked each other, and had talked about that, but weren't sure what would come next because of past experiences that we had both had, and were both skeptical of getting into a serious relationship. However, the thing that initially brought us together, and would continue to do so, was music. We decided that I was going to write a song that night. I hadnt done it in a while, and I was just having terrible brain blocks (mostly because I was nervous in front of him). So he kept poking fun at me, and I said that I bet he couldnt just write a song on the spot. And so... he did. It was called Beautiful Pain. Later we would talk about the fact that the title was a way of describing that feeling you get in the center of your chest, so close to feeling like pain, but its heaven at the same time, when you are around someone that you are mad about. Sooo. yeah. I think that about sums it up. I might post all the lyrics one day.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The blogging begins..

Im not really sure if this is going to be the write kind of outlet for me. Im not the kind of person that is good at putting thoughts on paper (or in this case, a virtual page). I am bad at giving my brain-to-mouth (brain-to-fingers) filter time to kick in before saying (typing) things, so hopefully I wont kick myself later for any posts.

I am struggling through life right now, and God is making me more humble everyday. Hopefully, eventually I will find the light somewhere at the end of this rediculously long tunnel... more on all that jazz later.

For now, I think I'll play a little Halo with the Hubby till Wind Ensemble rehearsal tonight at 9pm. yuck.